ई-पुस्तकें >> एम्पटी फ्रेम एम्पटी फ्रेममधुकांत
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मधुकांत के कहानी संग्रह का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद
"Only God knows whose unlucky face I saw this morning--"The hawker thought when he saw a Policeman approaching him straight. Just six inches away from him, the Policeman struck his baton at the ground.
"Friends of sahib have arrived--five and six pattas (packets)--prepare and fetch them."
"But sir, I have just come and put my things here, Let me receive the first buyer."-requested the hawker.
"Scoundrel, see, this baton will be thrusted into you.
Better go and serve the sahibs." He kept mum.
"Tell me, preparing or not?"
"I am preparing and I' m busy with your order"
Half weeping the hawker cut the head of cucumber and rubbed it. He was abusing the batonholder silently. He did not clean the dust ridden paper. Prepared the chat on it. Instead of salt, he put red chilly twice.
"Sahib shall never forget the taste" murmuring he covered the chat patta and proceeded towards sahib's room. Since that day, no baton stuck near his, " Khomcha"