ई-पुस्तकें >> एम्पटी फ्रेम एम्पटी फ्रेममधुकांत
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मधुकांत के कहानी संग्रह का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद
House of Correction
From far and wide, Sodhan was well known for his gentleness and honesty, but now every one is his enemy. First his situation had worsened due to poverty and secondly he was unable to get his young daughter married because of dowry. Poverty was his only crime.
He was warned against the bad eyes of the king on his beautiful young daughter. He realized the dearth of his deceased wife at this hour of need and remained at home round the clock.
Sitting on the threshold of his home, one day he was brooding over his problems. All of a sudden, three servants from the palace dashed his home for search operations. And he was arrested for the unknown crime.
"Pure gold does not fear the flame"-he thought and accompanied them. He was awarded six months rigorus imprisonment. Later on, he came to know that 'opium' and 'hashish' had been recovered from a corner of his cottage. And it was the crime. Now everything was clear to him what would have happened to his daughter.
Sodhan voluntarily accepted the prisoner's life. Gradually, his moustaches became sharp and fine pointed.
When he came out of the prison after six months, the picture was altogether different. The people would not see to him eye to eye. He became a broker and resort owner of wine, opium and gambling. People used to pay him monthly as they do pay to Police Station.
Now there was not a single hand to touch him. Men, who had sent him jail were repenting.
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