ई-पुस्तकें >> एम्पटी फ्रेम एम्पटी फ्रेममधुकांत
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मधुकांत के कहानी संग्रह का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद
The Medicated Pain
Because of his empty pocket, he could not visit a dentist and was bearing the toothache for a long time. Ultimately, he had to visit the doctor. There was a long que of patients.
After waiting for an hour, it was his turn. Examining his teeth in the light of a torch, the doctor prescribed some medicine. During examination, he had briefed the doctor about the toothache.
"These medicines, you have to take."
"How much will it cost, Sir?" He handed over the changes to the doctor.
"These medicines will cost about (Rs) seven hundred only"-The doctor told.
"Why do you not write some cheap medicines, doctor?" He begged.
"No, only this prescription will treat you"-Rebuking him the doctor switched over to next patient.
"The pain of losing seven hundred rupees will be costlier than the cost of toothache. I should not have come here for treatment."
He murmured and threw the prescription slip in ganda nala.
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