ई-पुस्तकें >> एम्पटी फ्रेम एम्पटी फ्रेममधुकांत
347 पाठक हैं |
मधुकांत के कहानी संग्रह का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद
"We have a complaint against you that you are selling obscene literature."-said the Station Master to the stall owner at the railway platform. He was accompanied by two more persons.
"We would like to examine your books"-said the other fellow accompanying him.
"Why not, sir!" Said the stall owner, welcoming the Station Master and the person with him. There was least panic on the face of the stall owner.
Picking up some magazines from the stall, the other fellow said, "Are you not aware that selling of these magazines is a criminal offence?"
"Your license can be cancelled---."
"Oh, no sir, you know the people in the train prefer only these magazines."-The stall owner was smiling with a definite purpose.
"Okay, we ignore it today. But be cautious in future."
The Station Master had picked up magazines in his hands.
"Sir, new and fresh magazines will be inaugurated by your hands in future. You shall get no opportunity to complain."
"Ok, I shall return them after some days." The station Master went with his friends smilingly.
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