ई-पुस्तकें >> एम्पटी फ्रेम एम्पटी फ्रेममधुकांत
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मधुकांत के कहानी संग्रह का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद
He could not get even a single rupee from anybody during the whole day. So the policeman picked up his baton and asked threateningly to a clerk who was returning in from the office.
"Hey, hello, what is in this bag?"
Babu was not in normal mood. He had raw at his family.
He said, "There is an opium in it."
"Open it, and show me," He was annoyed at the unexpected answer. He brought out lunch box and turned over the bag.
"What is in this box?"
He opened the box and it emitted sharp smell of tasty pickles.
"Do you call this opium?" asked the policeman. "Yes sir, I am too intoxicated whenever I eat it," "Go, go, take your way, do not waste my time."
Murmuring the policeman turned to the opposite side, "Why do these drunkard fellows come my way?"
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